HanLing Acupuncture Healing Center
Acupuncture Clinic and a Network of Exclusive Health Programs
A Tuscon, AZ acupuncture clinic with a lot more going on. Steve Liu has pioneered exclusive programs in Parkinson’s treatment, macular degeneration, and soft tissue healing through his unique and innovative approaches including laser therapies.

Included in this Project:
Email Marketing
Email Automation
PDF Design
Design Revitalization

A local acupuncture clinic, their website had become outdated and disfunctional. Even making simple changes were becoming a problem. And the overall design broken and not entirely professional or modern.
We completely revitalized the overall design, while also reworking and optimizing the content and content strategy, including for search engine optimization (SEO).
We also needed to better feature his unique programs for Parkinson’s, macular degeneration, and soft tissue pain. Some of these have their own website, but we needed to give a full preview of each of these with an intermediary page selling people on the unique approach before sending them to the unique website for that treatment.
The FAST soft tissue pain healing treatment, however, stayed on the site by developing an in depth sales page specifically for that exclusive treatment protocol Steve Liu developed.
The results has been a much more effective, attractive, and professional website for everything he has going on both locally and online for clients across the country.
About Page
Services Page
Homepage Detail
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