American Society for Laser Acupuncture Therapy (ASLAT)
Professional Organization for Acupuncture Practitoners Interested in Laser Therapies
A newly established organization for building community, education, and discussion around the rising field of laser therapies, particularly laser acupuncture therapies. Primarily for acupuncturists, but available for any healthcare practitioner interested in these therapies.

Included in this Project:
Branding Design
Email Marketing
Email Automation
Membership Signup
Online Course
Webinar Creation

Brand new, we established the digital presence for ASLAT including the branding design.
The membership is free to join, and we intregrated signup within the website and connected to ActiveCampaign for automated followup and ongoing newsletters and marketing.
The website itself is filled with resources and education to serve health practitioners interested in this growing field.
We also helped develop a laser therapy intro video course for people to sign up for free, along with automated email followup and contact data for tracking.
We also helped create live webinar funnels including setting up the webinar using Demio and ActiveCampaign for followup, getting them to show up for the webinar, and for becoming part of their overall member and marketing list.
Applications Page
About Mobile
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